Committed to Socially Responsible Investing
TREA considers essential to integrate environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors as well as to invest responsibly (SRI) to promote good practices of society in general, and of the company in particular.
At TREA we consider the inclusion of environmental, social and governance criteria in the investment processes in a systematic way, integrating them into the decision-making process together with conventional financial criteria, as an opportunity to complement our fundamental financial analysis in order to deepen our knowledge of the selected companies.
By obtaining a greater vision of the companies, we exponentially increase the possibility of making better investment decisions, as well as mitigating the associated risks.
You can consult the 2023 sustainability report here.
In order to promote transparency in the markets, TREA provides, or may provide to its investors, with information on its sustainability policies and practices. For any questions regarding sustainability, you can contact us at the following mailbox:
TREA has a Sustainability Policy, approved by the company’s Board of Directors, which includes the sustainable principles as well as the integration of risks and internal governance that serve as a general framework in the investment processes.
Likewise, and to promote proper governance in organizations and include long-term sustainable business practices, TREA has set itself the objective of interacting with the companies in which it invests in a relevant way to promote proper management of environmental, social and governance risks. Thus, and as an integral part of the commitment to responsible management, TREA also has a Voting Policy and an Engagement Policy (both approved by the Board of Directors) where the exercise of voting rights and active dialogue mechanisms with the companies in which it invests are regulated.
You can consult the Priorities of the TREA engagement process for fiscal year 2022 here and the 2023 Engagement Report here.
The Sustainability Committee periodically monitors compliance with these Policies. For its part, the Sustainability Team is in charge of defining and implementing specific actions on sustainability, both from a business and regulatory point of view.
As an engagement with ESG values, TREA has become a signatory member of PRI, accepting and promoting the main 6 principles endorsed by United Nations.

Incorporate the ESG principles into the analisis and decision making process of investments

Being pioneers in incorporating ESG issues into ownership practices and policies

Seeking appropriate disclosure of ESG matters by the entities in which we invest

Promoting the acceptance and implementing of the Principles within the investment industry

Working together with the other signatories and with PRI to enhance the effectiveness of implementing the Principles

Reporting on our activities and progress towards implementing the Principles