Trea Emerging Markets
Credit Opportunities

Emerging Markets

Fund investment vocation

The objective of the fund is to generate attractive returns on the capital invested in the long term investing in fixed income from countries in Latin America, Asia, Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Africa.

The fund tries to consistently seek opportunities in fixed income instruments primarily in dollars or euros. The fund has an opportunistic bias and is more focused on corporate bonds. We only buy hard currency bonds ($/€), we don’t buy local currency because we consider is an added risk. All this, with an in-depth analysis of the issuer of the bond.

This type of fund will enable investors to participate in the growth of emerging countries with less volatility than in the equities from these countries. We were pioneers in Spain, with a specific team since 2010 in a specific fixed income vehicle in emerging countries. For example in Latin America or Asia.

All our investments are supported by a rigorous macroeconomic analysis and a fundamental analysis of the companies.


Our top professionals



Jordi Armengol
Senior EDM PM and Analyst

The management team has extensive experience in managing emerging market fixed income assets, a strong track record that is above industry benchmarks and solid long-term consistency.

Asset Allocation Team


Ricardo Gil
Deputy CIO


Pol Tusquets
Head, FoF

With more than 20 years of experience managing in sectors whose potential offers attractive returns because of the economic juncture, along with sound risk management for times of market stress.

Analysis team

Jaime Marti

Jaime Martí


Álvaro Mata

The research team focuses on seeking quality assets at a price below their intrinsic value, thereby maximising expected returns.

Diseño sin título (10)


Trea Direct Lending