Trea Bolsa Selección, FI
Renta Variable Ibérica
Fund investment vocation
The objective of the fund is to increase the value of investors’ savings in the long term, generating consistent returns above the market level by investing in listed securities primarily in Spain, with the possibility of investing in Portuguese securities as well.
Trea Iberia Equity has the potential to increase the value of its portfolio by around 40%, so it is the ideal time to invest in the fund. The current scene with low interest rates, which will remain steady over the next few years, means that equities are the most appealing investment, even more so for long-term investments, where we have historically seen that it outperforms other kinds of securities.
All our investments are backed by a rigorous macroeconomic analysis and a fundamental analysis of the companies.
Our top professionals

Federico Battaner
PM Equity

Victor Morales
Portfolio Manager
The management team has more than 15 years of experience managing this asset, they have a track record far above the market average, and they have demonstrated consistency over time.
Analysis team

Javier Gil
Their analysis focuses on seeking high quality assets priced under their real value with the goal that their value and price will come into sync over time so they earn positive profits in a consistent, sustainable way.
Asset Allocation Team

Ricardo Gil
Asset, Allocation
With more than 20 years of experience managing in sectors whose potential offers attractive returns because of the economic juncture, along with sound risk management for times of market stress.
